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Free printable worksheets for kids.

Brilliant Guide

  • It is an Informative website.
  • It contains digital technology.
  • It provides clear school handouts of subjects like Mathematics and English.
  • Our worksheets are for the children of elementary/primary schools in PDF file.
  • We follows the National Curriculum of England.

We have remarkable clear. Worksheets of Mathematics and English.

These handouts contain quizzes, assessments and practice materials for children from Reception to Year 6.

In these worksheets, age condition of children in elementary or primary school in UK has been divided in three categories.

Nursery and Reception: 3 to 4 years old

Key Stage 1: 5 to 7 years old

Key Stage 2: 7 to 11 years old

 These types of worksheets are best for home tutoring.  These modules for home tutoring are age significant that helps the child to make achievement according to his or her capability. England Govt provides direction for home tutoring.

Principles of the local council should be followed by the parents who want to start home tutoring for their children. Requirement of home schooling in England is also called Elective home Education.

 Topics in these worksheets include Addition, Subtraction, Shapes, Statistics, Numbers, Multiplications, Position, Algebra, Ratio, and Measurement

Giving education to child at home proves to be good when it is constructive, well informed and true choice. There are many reasons that why parents select home education for their children e.g. it provides extra help in getting knowledge about the particular subject.

So these prove to be helpful for children range from nursery to year 6 as these broaden the vision of children by gaining additional knowledge.